
Certified Coach Training: Empowering Spiritual Growth and Leadership

Reviews 5.00 (3 Reviews)

Course Overview

This comprehensive training program is designed for those seeking to become certified coaches with Coach the Bible. It focuses on equipping individuals with the skills and knowledge to effectively guide others in their spiritual journey, using the resources and tools provided by Coach the Bible.

Key Components of the Course:

  1. Overview of Coach the Bible: Understanding the mission, vision, and resources of Coach the Bible (About and Why sections of the website).
  2. Training in Various Spiritual Stages: Detailed learning and coaching in different spiritual stages including:
    • Spiritual Infant Stage (Commitment)
    • Spiritual Child Stage (Conviction)
    • Spiritual Young Adult Stage (Character)
    • Spiritual Parent Stage (Competence)
    • Spiritual Grandparent Stage (Multiplication)
  3. Practical Coaching Sessions: Demonstrating the ability to assess spiritual journeys and conducting observable coaching sessions.
  4. Discipleship Tool Utilization: Using discipleship tools like The 2:7 Series and Discipleship Essentials in group settings.
  5. Bible Project Video Leadership: Leading sessions based on Bible Project videos.
  6. Under the Iceberg Tools: Understanding and utilizing these tools for deeper emotional and spiritual insights.

Requirements for Certification:

  • Attend all 10 one-hour training sessions.
  • Demonstrate a grasp of Coach the Bible’s resources.
  • Ability to assess someone’s spiritual journey.
  • Conduct three observable coaching sessions.
  • Lead a Bible Project video session.
  • Use one of the recommended discipleship tools with a group.
  • Understand how to use the “Under the Iceberg” tools.

Homework Assignments:

Participants will be given homework assignments, including quiet times on specific areas, watching videos, reviewing resources, and reflecting on their learning. They will also be encouraged to start working with individuals at various stages of their spiritual growth.

This course is ideal for those looking to deepen their spiritual coaching skills and become certified coaches with Coach the Bible, equipped to guide others in their faith journey​​.

Course Content

  • Certified Coach Training: Empowering Spiritual Growth and Leadership
    • Requirements

    • SESSION 1 – OVERVIEW – A big picture, look at the ABOUT sections and the WHY of the website (be able to explain)

    • SESSION 2 – INFANT STAGE (COMMITMENT) – Discuss what was learned and questions about the Share about anyone you might have given the assessment to and what you did to follow up. Look into the next stage. (CHILD)

    • SESSION 3 – CHILD STAGE (CONVICTION) – Discuss what was learned and questions about the Share about anyone you might have given the assessment to and what you did to follow up. Look into the next stage. (YOUNG ADULT)

    • SESSION 4 – YOUNG ADULT STAGE (CHARACTER) – Discuss what was learned and questions about the Share about anyone you might have given the assessment to and what you did to follow up. Look into the next stage. (PARENT)

    • SESSION 5 – PARENT STAGE (COMPETENCE) – Discuss what was learned and questions about the items. Share about anyone you might have given the assessment to and what you did to follow up. Look into the next (GRANDPARENT)

    • SESSION 6 – GRANDPARENT STAGE (MULTIPLICATION) – Discuss what was learned and ask questions about the items. Share about anyone you might have given the assessment to and what you did to follow up. Look into the next (SPIRITUAL LEADER)

    • SESSION 7 – SPIRITUAL LEADER STAGE (LEADERSHIP-Influence and decisions) – Discuss what was learned and questions about the items. Share about anyone you might have given the assessment to and what you did to follow up. Look into the next (EMOTIONAL MATURITY)

    • SESSION 8 – EMOTIONAL HEALTH STAGE (MATURITY) – Discuss what was learned and questions about the Share about anyone you might have given the assessment to and what you did to follow up. Look into the next stage. (SPIRITUALLY DEAD/LOST)

    • SESSION 9 – SPIRITUALLY DEAD/LOST STAGE (CONVERSION) – Discuss what was learned and questions about the items. Share about anyone you might have given the assessment to and what you did to follow up. Reflection on all.


Original price was: $199.00.Current price is: $149.00.
  • Lessons 1
  • Enrolled 2
  • Skill Intermediate
  • Available Seats 98
  • Last Update December 8, 2023
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