Leadership Coaching Model

R = Relationship with God and people

2D – Discovery and Discussion around the Bible

3A – Affirmation, Accountability, and Application

A DISCIPLE: (The Target)

  1. Loves God with ALL of his or her heart. (Matthew 22:37Philippians 3:8)
  2. Loves other believers and contributes to the growth of others. (John 13:34-35Hebrews 10:24-25)
  3. Is committed to living and loving the Scriptures. (John 8:31-322 Timothy 3:16-17)
  4. Is learning to surrender his or her life to Jesus. (Luke 9:23Galatians 2:20)
  5. Is growing in his or her heart and ability to share the Good News of Jesus with others. (Romans 1:16Matthew 4:19)
  6. Is growing in faith as he or she prays. (Luke 11:1Philippians 4:6-7)
  7. Seeks to obey Jesus in the routines of life. (Luke 6:46John 14:21)
  8. Seeks to serve others through wise stewardship of his or her time, talents, or treasures. (Matthew 25:37-40Acts 20:35)
  9. A disciple-maker seeks to reproduce this in others. (Matthew 28:18-20)

From Ways of the Alongsider by Bill Mowry

Bill has done a great job of illustrating the pathway of an alongsider. It starts with the relationship with God and people, then flows to discussion and discovery of appropriate scripture and across to Application, Accountability, and affirmation aiming at the bullseye.